Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Life and the Electron thing

When I came to the conclusion that Electrons posessed an elementary consciousness it opened up a whole new door of possibility.

It hit me that it may have been possible for electrons in plasma, on a much younger earth, to have created life through the conscious creation of DNA when "looking" for a way to interact with the physical universe in a much more tangible way.

Recently I came accross an article that supports this theory:

I was shocked as I read the article that we are getting closest to what I believe to be the truth. The sentence at the end blew my mind.

"The researchers hint that perhaps an inorganic form of life emerged on the primordial earth, which then acted as the template for the more familiar organic molecules we know today."

Now for me, this is a phenominal article. I will keep updating with more findings.


Sometimes what I write may seem non-sensical, have bad grammar and spelling, and will most likely have no structure at all.
But that is kind of the point.
I needed a place I could dump my ideas as I've noticed a few theories I have had in the past have come to life. This bothered me and I realised I had to get as much as I can written down.

Hope you enojoy reading it all and disagreeing with me. :)


The Thought Particle

As we know, our minds fundamentally work through the use of electrical signals. We look at something new, this sends the information as electrical impulses to our brain, which then process' the electrical impulses. The brain is classified as a “Complex System” and is therefore non-linear in nature.

Within this non-linear, chaotic firing of electrical impulses arise intelligence, self-awareness, and creativity. It is difficult to understand how such complex and apparently random anomalies form from a system in which the hardware has to conform to mathematical laws that deny randomness. However, there is one component in the whole system that is allowed to move in a way that is very chaotic. This component is of course, the electron.

The question is now apparent – In the complex system of our mind is the 'choice' of action given to the brain itself, or what flows within the brain, the electrons. Now this might seem like we are adding a whole new law to physics, but this is simply not true. This theory fits right in with modern physics and helps offer an explanation to the unexplainable behaviors of electrons in various environments. That explanation being that electrons have a property that makes them the 'holders' of consciousness.

So what part of the electron could allow it to bear consciousness?

There is an unknown property of the electron that allows it to act completely randomly while overall serving a higher purpose. David Bohm noticed this when he experimented with plasma. “To his amazement [Bohm] he found that once they were in a plasma, electrons stopped behaving like individuals and started behaving as if they were part of a larger and interconnected whole. Although their individual movements appeared random, vast numbers of electrons were able to produce effects that were surprisingly well-organized. Like some amoeboid creature, the plasma constantly regenerated itself and enclosed all impurities in a wall in the same way that a biological organism might encase a foreign substance in a cyst. So struck was Bohm by these organic qualities that he later remarked he'd frequently had the impression the electron sea was "alive." ' - The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.

So what is the brain? The brain is an interactive encasing for electrons. The brain gives the electrons the ability to store data, to calculate complex concepts, and to interact with the world. The brain and body are just advanced bio-mechanical extensions for consciousness. So creating a self-aware AI is not about creating conscious machines - because a vast see of consciousness already exists, and I mean that in a very non-spiritual sense. Its creating a device to tap and isolate a “piece” of that sea so it can interact with the world.

During my research I came across an interesting researcher named Dr Ronald Bryan (Ph.D. University of Rochester. 1961 Theoretical Nuclear Physics.).
In his article Extended Electron-Consciousness Interaction he speaks of an experiment involving a wave packet passing through a double slit. The idea being is “if an array of detectors is placed to intercept the wave packets, then only one detector will be activated.”

Shortly after he states “However I will speculate that the electron itself 'chooses' which detector to activate. The electron might have some kind of elementary consciousness unit, or ECU.”

This is consistent with my theory of electrons being the bearer of consciousness. Some might say he is speaking metaphorically, but later on he goes on to explain his “conscious Human Wavefuntion” whereby the human consciousness possibly exists because it is made up of conscious particles.

If this is all correct then one must conclude to create a truly conscious machine, the system in which the particle exists must not control the particle. Instead the conscious decision of the particle must reflect in the whole, just as it does in our brains. With this in mind it would surely be impossible for a self-aware conscious intelligence to arise from a computer, no matter how dynamic the software running it is.

A system must extract the 'Chobit' (or Choice Bit) that an electron can hold in order for it to be considered conscious. This machine would possess 1 Chobit of Conscious Ability.

A paper by,

Shaun Slabbert


* The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.

* Extended Electron-consciousness Interaction and other articles by Dr. Ronald Bryan

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