Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Life and the Electron thing

When I came to the conclusion that Electrons posessed an elementary consciousness it opened up a whole new door of possibility.

It hit me that it may have been possible for electrons in plasma, on a much younger earth, to have created life through the conscious creation of DNA when "looking" for a way to interact with the physical universe in a much more tangible way.

Recently I came accross an article that supports this theory:

I was shocked as I read the article that we are getting closest to what I believe to be the truth. The sentence at the end blew my mind.

"The researchers hint that perhaps an inorganic form of life emerged on the primordial earth, which then acted as the template for the more familiar organic molecules we know today."

Now for me, this is a phenominal article. I will keep updating with more findings.


Unknown said...

I just happened to come across your blog while searching for articles relating to electron consciousness. and it never fails to amaze how so many people, so detached from each other geographically, and without any communication whatsoever can on their own formulate such strikingly similar ideas in their mind. Most people who delve into theories of consciousness and so on happen to have similar realizations and that just attests to me how we're all part of the same consciousness. How connected we all are, without really knowing it anymore.

Anyway, I'll stop before I lose my point as parallel ideas and concepts coming flooding into my mind. Just wanted to give a thumbs up to your blog is all.

Lawrence said...

I also am surprised, but then again, it is not "I" that am surprised but rather it is my "Beliefs" that are shocked. :-)

If you silently watch what your beliefs are doing,
you will never ever be bored again.” – Yrral Nosrac)

I am about four weeks away from holding my first research workshop (free) for those in Boise to assess the accuracy of what I believe to be the Master's canvas of creation, the Meta Matrix of the Universe... aka ... the Operating System of the Mind of man and "All" that lives including ... yes ... those conscious little electrons.

If anyone is of a like mind of curiosity I would definitely like to hear from you. I may be contacted at

Thank You,

Lawrence Carson
Boise, Idaho ... USA

Unknown said...

Yes it is quite possible that a single electron is conscious. But if it is so, what should be associated with pain and pleasure?