Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Sometimes what I write may seem non-sensical, have bad grammar and spelling, and will most likely have no structure at all.
But that is kind of the point.
I needed a place I could dump my ideas as I've noticed a few theories I have had in the past have come to life. This bothered me and I realised I had to get as much as I can written down.

Hope you enojoy reading it all and disagreeing with me. :)


Will said...

Hi Shaun, I have been thinking similiar thoughts myself for 46 years now so it was great to read your blog. My sense is that even if one accepts the idea of electrons having this amazing capacity of consciousness which most genuine thinkers cannot explain (what consciousness is ) then it seems prudent to question where did this amazing capacity of consciousness come from ? Like certain physicists have stated (Amit Goswami) everything that exists is founded on consciousness. Consciousness seems to be the source of all that exists and this helps to explain (for myself anyway ) why each of us has consciousness as our constant companion. This possibility adds to the Science article you refer to in your blog where you hypothosize about the possibility that evolution was influenced consciously by the atoms and molecules to try different combinations and rearrangements to discover what IT could achieve with this conscious experimentation. And I believe that this conscious experimentation is still a part of the Universe we dwell in today. I also find it interesting how electrons combine with protons to make neutrons and how neutrons decay back into protons with beta radiation. This suggests that these particles are somehow homogenous and made of very similiar "stuff" which means the whole Universe is all made of the same "stuff" which also happens to be conscious stuff which all such "stuff" emits and absorbs photons which are clearly also made of the same "stuff". Our part in this evolution of consciousness into walking talking coordinated communities of cellular life not so dissimiliar from our ancestoral bacteria, gives one lots to ponder. How about you ?

Lawrence said...

Could one or more readers of this site call or email to assist me to locate additional persons that are on the cutting and progressive edge of researching the cause, motive and nature of consciousness within the physically finite world of time-space duality?

I would like to gain polar ideas on the following line of reasoning.

1 – Everything is energy.

2 – All forms of elementary energy exhibits life’s self-survival attributes beginning at the most etheric level of energy and up to and including the sub-atomic boson and fermion levels of energy-to-mass fields of manifestation.

3 – Therefore there are no nouns in the universe since everything is a living – please allow me to call this fundamental energy quanta an “Esson” (Latin esse < to be <> it is) i.e. a “universal motivational impulse in motion.”

4 – Therefore and from this vantage point, we can readily understand the Jungian “Collective Conscious” Meta mind fields, the Meta Matrices, i.e. the collective living communities of Essons all in resonant harmonic unity. All Esson quanta and their various offspring energy forms from the photon, electron, proton, all the way up the Greek hierarchical intelligence ladder including Principalities, Muse’s, Memes, Sirens, Belief Systems and yes, even the Notions of Thoughts are derivatives of the fundamental first-cause Esson energy quanta.

And finally …

4) Since consciousness requires the duality of a time-space separation of the observer-from-the-observed, and that the duality of time-space-energy is postulated as an illusionary construct of consciousness, it must thus follow that who we really and forever are (our True and unchangeable identity) can only be with, in and of the “essence of awareness”, i.e. our collective awareness … of our collective awareness … ∞ . We are continually in, with and of the living zero point field’s (ZPF) singularity of awareness … while simultaneously playing outside of this non-dimensional infinite awareness state … within our conscious bubbles of dualism while exhibiting our artistic and creative expressions upon the canvas of time-space and energy.

As a result of a few explorations, I now seek to cross-communicate with those on the cusp of research (Anywhere in the World Please) that are passionate about going beyond Einstein’s ability to explore, experience, model and objectively define “The Unified Field Model” of ALLNESS. To readily understand the precise patterned archetypical model e (the universal algorithmetric software) that in-forms and converts the primal soup of chaos into the in-form-ation of formed order.

Respectfully Submitted

Lawrence Carson
Meridian, ID