As we know, our minds fundamentally work through the use of electrical signals. We look at something new, this sends the information as electrical impulses to our brain, which then process' the electrical impulses. The brain is classified as a Complex System and is therefore non-linear in nature. Within this non-linear, chaotic firing of electrical impulses arise intelligence, self-awareness, and creativity. It is difficult to understand how such complex and apparently random anomalies form from a system in which the hardware has to conform to mathematical laws that deny randomness. However, there is one component in the whole system that is allowed to move in a way that is very chaotic. This component is of course, the electron. The question is now apparent In the complex system of our mind is the 'choice' of action given to the brain itself, or what flows within the brain, the electrons. Now this might seem like we are adding a whole new law to physics, but this is simply not true. This theory fits right in with modern physics and helps offer an explanation to the unexplainable behaviors of electrons in various environments. That explanation being that electrons have a property that makes them the 'holders' of consciousness. So what part of the electron could allow it to bear consciousness? So what is the brain? The brain is an interactive encasing for electrons. The brain gives the electrons the ability to store data, to calculate complex concepts, and to interact with the world. The brain and body are just advanced bio-mechanical extensions for consciousness. So creating a self-aware AI is not about creating conscious machines - because a vast see of consciousness already exists, and I mean that in a very non-spiritual sense. Its creating a device to tap and isolate a piece of that sea so it can interact with the world. During my research I came across an interesting researcher named Dr Ronald Bryan (Ph.D. University of Rochester. 1961 Theoretical Nuclear Physics.). If this is all correct then one must conclude to create a truly conscious machine, the system in which the particle exists must not control the particle. Instead the conscious decision of the particle must reflect in the whole, just as it does in our brains. With this in mind it would surely be impossible for a self-aware conscious intelligence to arise from a computer, no matter how dynamic the software running it is. A system must extract the 'Chobit' (or Choice Bit) that an electron can hold in order for it to be considered conscious. This machine would possess 1 Chobit of Conscious Ability. A paper by,
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I consider it highly unlikely that a set of physical "laws" completely lacking any concept of consciousness can deal adequately with the fact that consciousness exists. A better approach would be something like an ECU which would be a tiny amount of consciousness. Whether an ECU would be associated with an electron or simply exist and have the ability to influence an electron is hard to guess. It's an interesting concept.
Hi, I've been thinking on a similar theory based on a biblical verse (I'm not alined to ANY religion) 'In those days people begged to die but death wouldn't find them'. And in 'Scientology' their core belief is that the universe is "trillions" of years old and that life was so prevalent, so over crowded to the point that no one could move. (sounds like a singularity to me) their answer was to dump the over flow of 'life' into volcanoes and then nuke the volcanoes. This caused the shrinking of mass and expansion of space but not the destruction of life. This then got me thinking of graphine and other meta-materials, an how the electron can be held at each cross point, so I imagined in my mind life existing stacked up like nets on nets. And when one dies he moved es up/ down to the next plain. So our future of covering everything (all surfaces) in meta-materials to act as a net that can hold and transmit electrons between all devices (excluding the need for batteries) could in theory be and act as a "sky Net" which may as conciquence capture ones 'soul'. "they" talk about the future as having 'Programmable' materials and conscious 'Robots' the problem is are we the programmable Mata? If "they" can control and be the designers of the future then perhaps after we die we may become robots, spacecraft etc. It's a just some ideas.
Or it could be as simple as two 'Ducks' (the electrons) creating a 'Superposition' wave. Or something similar. It's said the extra wave only occurs in water, but why not plasma? The body of the moon and the earth revolving around each other and revolving around and through the suns energy could of created a consciousness in the magnetic energy field around the earth. Their is a believe that if humans traveled outside the magnetic field this would cause interference in our consciousnes, or it could switch of completely. If you know your history the Ancient world especially the Egyptian culture were obsessed with the 'COAXIL' wrap. Which was later to be rediscovered as a way of transmitting Morse code under the oceans via large cables. The wrap enabled the transmission to act as a wave in the insulation between the center outer shield and copper coaxial wrapping. Obviously this is exaclly what our TV cables do. This process allows for the cable to be as long as is needed, this way there is very little resistance. My point is that just like the cable if the magnetic field around earth were to stop some very strange things may occur, 1st our consciousness may instantly revert to the center of earth, because of resistance (in the biblical terms that's means going to "HELL" and burning for a thousand years) all this I would say is similar to when a biological cell ruptured/ raptured. 2nd a flood of radiation, (or as with a cables coaxial wrap tearing) interference from out side (viruses or deamons) would flood in (a tearing of the vail I think our religious friends call this) this could bring about a new Eden. Maybe pulling back the souls to the center where apon a supper intelligence, (like Aliens or if the universe is a super biological system then a supper amune response which could in some eyes be called Angeles working for god) so the evolution, creations or mutation of new life are created to deal with the mess on the earth. So some souls get the chance to rise up into the new Earth, level, cell or "heaven" and the unlucky ones must now be born into the bodies that are created to clean up and make use of the waste of their ancestors. Who decided many eons ago that transforming robots was the way to go. the problem was no creature had made use of carbon, entill now. See we are the programable materials of the future. Our new body's may be a type of rubber flesh crossed with an inspector gadget design. The singularity created stars/ volcanoes (like rods in an eye) out of its self to create space for waves, these waves contain information that last forever. So after the big bang or 'birth' of the eye (which is its self the past, present and future) time began and it had purpose. 'EVOLUTION IS LIKE GOING FORWARD IN REVERSE', We are backing away from an inevitable end, it's the panick that drives life and it's inventions. If what happens inside a star is lived out as holographic on earth, then the demise of that and all other stars, is what drives the Neverending story of life. All life's soul purpose is to deal with the material that lays in front of us. By making use of oil and plastics combined with metals and intelligent flesh with our rubber souled shoes and perelly tyres and synthetic cloths, whilst consuming vast quantities of sugar we are, I'm sertain, evolving into (if we're lucky 'Trainsformers if not so lucky then Disney's' Wall-E but most probably the Borghese from Star trek).
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